Los 3542
BRITISH, Anglo-Saxon. Kings of All England. Aethelred II, 978-1016. Penny (Silver, 18 mm, 0.50 g, 5 h), a contemporary Polish or Scandinavian imitation of a long cross type penny. ✠OICCOIC[...] Bare-headed and draped bust of Aethelred II to right; around, traces of legend. Rev. Voided long cross with triple crescent ends; around, illegible legend. Cf. SCBC 1151 (for prototype). Extremely rare. A particularly wild imitation. Struck from somewhat worn dies, the flan somewhat wavy and with minor edge chipping, otherwise, about very fine.

Ex Leu Web Auction 19, 26-28 February 2022, 3768.

Particularly abstract imitations of Aethelred pennies circulated in northern Pomerania, a region that forms part of Poland today, in the first half of the 11th century. It is possible that a Scandinavian imitation, rather than an official issue of an Aethelred penny, inspired the die cutter of this coin.
50 CHF
220 CHF
Anzahl Gebote:
Ablaufzeit: 18-Jul-22, 19:47:30 CEST
Auf den Zuschlagspreis ist ein Aufgeld von 18,5% zu entrichten.

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